What are the Fast Growing Indoor Plants?

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There’s no doubt that plants are great additions to any home, they can provide many benefits. From adding some extra greenery to your space to providing oxygen and reducing energy costs, there is a lot to like about plants! But did you know that some types of plants can grow much faster than others?

Here are some of the fastest growing plants that you should include in your home if you want to add some green to your indoors as quickly as possible!



Bromeliads are a popular houseplant that is grown for their bright foliage and interesting flower structures. These plants are known for their stunning blooms and dramatic shape, making them a great addition to any room in your home. Bromeliads are one of the most popular kinds of houseplants and are easy to be cared for. These plants can even survive indoors without sunlight. Temperature and light levels are not important for these tropical plants, they can even thrive in cold temperatures or low light conditions.


Orchids have become one of the most popular houseplants in the world for their beauty and fascinating growth patterns. There are many different types of orchids to choose from, so it’s easy to find one that is right for you. They require little care to grow just be sure to keep them in a bright location and avoid direct sunlight for best results. Temperature levels are not important for these plants, and they can even thrive in low light conditions. They can bloom throughout the year, depending on the type of orchids that you choose.


Cacti and succulents are popular houseplants that require very little care to thrive. These interesting plants can add a pop of colour to a space while also reducing the stress in your house. They are easy to care for and require only minimal sunlight and water to grow. There are several different kinds of cacti and succulents to choose from, making it easy to find one that will fit right in with your décor. Many species of cacti and succulents are extremely fast growers that tend to produce new shoots several times per year, which makes them a great choice for anyone looking to add greenery to their space.


Air plants are some of the most unique and unusual plants available. This variety of plants is extremely rare and only grows in a handful of countries around the world. Many people prefer air plants because they are very easy to care for just provide them with regular misting from a spray bottle to keep them hydrated and they will live for years! Sunlight and temperature levels are not important for this type of plant, so they can live just about anywhere in the house.


Willow plants are an excellent indoor plant choice for anyone who wants fast-growing and beautiful houseplants with a unique and interesting look. Willow plants are easy to care for and maintain, they require very little care and can thrive in a wide range of lighting conditions. Temperature is also not important for most types of willow plants, so they can be kept in a variety of different locations throughout the house. It is fastest growing when the temperature is between 65 to 80°F. It requires a sunny spot with adequate water and nutrients.


The Arrowhead plant (Euphorbia milii) is a fast-growing succulent that can reach up to 2 meters in height. It has elongated, arrow-shaped leaves and red flowers. The plant can be propagated from offsets or by rooting softwood cuttings taken in late summer. Arrowhead plant is best grown in a well-drained potting mix in full sun or light shade. It can withstand drought conditions once established but should be watered regularly in dry weather to avoid wilting. An occasional application of a balanced fertilizer will help provide the plant with the nutrients needed to grow well. The plants can also easily be pruned and shaped to suit a particular landscape application. Temperature extremes do not harm this plant and it can tolerate frost.


Grape ivy is a popular ornamental plant that grows well in pots on balconies, terraces, and other exposed locations. This evergreen climber has attractive glossy green foliage with small purple flowers in summer followed by bluish-black berries in autumn. It can grow to a height of 5m or more depending on the support it receives. Young shoots that are allowed to sprawl out will reach the maximum height without growing branches. Sunlight is important to maintain the natural green colour of the plant and avoid discolouration. Watering should be done whenever the soil becomes dry to the touch. Temperature is not a significant factor since grape ivy grows in many climates around the world. Plant spacing depends on the support provided; a strong trellis can support larger vines while a simple stake will only encourage the plant to trail along the ground. This plant enjoys cool temperatures and does not require much care.


Philodendrons are a diverse group of houseplants that are popular as indoor plants because of their attractive foliage and attractive range of colours. These plants produce many flowers and seeds, which make them popular with gardeners who like propagation. There are over 1,000 species in this family and the genus includes some of the most common houseplants seen today. It’s the fastest-growing plant that is hardy and adaptable. Philodendrons are easy to grow and propagate from seeds or cuttings. Sunlight is an important requirement to ensure the good growth of these houseplants. Plants grown in dappled sunlight exhibit less pigmentation in the leaves. They prefer warm conditions and do not tolerate cold drafts. Water thoroughly when the soil feels dry to the touch and always maintain humidity around the plants. Potting soil must be well-drained to prevent the root system from becoming waterlogged. Regular watering is required during summer to maintain the correct level of moisture in the soil. With proper care, these plants will continue to thrive for many years. However, if they become neglected, they will eventually die.


The Pothos plant is one of the quickest-growing plants around and can easily grow to be several feet tall. This vine-like plant is perfect for those who want an easy-to-manage garden, as it can thrive in a variety of light conditions, and thrives in moist soil, but not too much water! Sunlight is all it takes for the Pothos to thrive – just be sure to mist it daily. Water regularly and keep the soil moist, but not soggy and feed once a month with a water-soluble fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to promote strong root growth. Pothos plants are relatively low-maintenance compared to other houseplants – all they need is a little attention and lots of love!


Snake plants are one of the easiest plants to grow, and they make an excellent addition to any home or office. These plants are easy to care for and require little maintenance. However, they do have a few special requirements that must be followed to keep them healthy and vibrant. It’s the fastest-growing plant out there. It is resilient and can adapt to most environments. It can handle low light conditions. It prefers moist soil that is rich in organic materials. If you are planning on growing a snake plant indoors, it will need bright indirect light, Water the plant regularly and keep the soil moist but not soggy. Also, avoid getting the leaves wet to prevent fungus from developing on the leaves. Fertilize the snake plant every couple of weeks with a half-strength solution of water-soluble fertilizer or manure tea. Take care not to overwater your snake plant. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, it may be a sign that you need to provide more water. Snake plants do not tolerate cool temperatures and should be brought indoors when temperatures drop below 60°F. They do require moderate humidity levels but do not like damp air so try keeping an open window in the room where the plant is located. Plants have several useful properties that can improve your health and enhance your well-being. In addition to improving your health, houseplants can also increase your feeling of happiness.


Spider plants are low-maintenance plants that do well in a variety of lighting conditions. They prefer bright, indirect light and should be kept out of direct sunlight. Water the plants regularly and keep the potting soil moist but not soggy. Spider plants need high humidity and should not be placed in rooms with dry air such as living rooms or kitchens. Spider plants like dry soil and should never be watered from below as they may become waterlogged and die. They will do better if they are fed a diluted fertilizer solution every couple of weeks. The spider plant can be easily propagated by stem cuttings and is one of the easiest and fastest plants to grow. The plant will reach maturity in approximately one year depending on the growing conditions.


ZZ (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) plant is a fast-growing plant that thrives in a wide range of climates. It is a great choice for areas with hot and humid summers or mild winters. ZZ plant is perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. Their leaves change colour during the fall, ranging from bright green to yellow and red. In the spring and summer, they are dark green and have small white flowers, which bloom along the stem of the plant. Sunlight and moisture are required for this herb to thrive. However, many varieties can survive in shaded areas with little to no water. Temperatures between 50 and 85°F are ideal for ZZ Plants. They grow best in areas with high humidity and moderate sunlight.


The Dumb Cane can grow up to ten feet tall and produces colourful clusters of flowers in late spring. Its foliage is greenish-white in colour and has dark green veins running throughout it. The leaves and stems are covered in fine hairs giving them a fuzzy appearance. While the Dumb Cane can tolerate a variety of weather conditions, it grows best in moist soil that is well drained and fertilized regularly. It prefers partial shade to full sun and will thrive in most types of soil as long as it remains consistently moist. Temperatures that are between 65 and 80°F are ideal for Dumb Cane plants. They will thrive in humidity levels above 70% but avoid being too close to large bodies of water because they will become susceptible to fungal diseases if kept too close. They benefit from regular watering and should be watered thoroughly at least once a week during the growing season. Excessive watering should be avoided to prevent drowning the plant and clogging the drainage holes with debris. While droughts can be tolerated for a short period, long periods of drought will cause the plant to wilt and die.


This plant is native to the tropics but can thrive in many temperate regions as well. Ficus plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight but can also be grown in shady areas as long as it is received at least four hours of light each day. It also requires moist soil that is constantly moist but not soggy. However, if the soil dries out completely, it will begin to show signs of stress and may die. For this reason, it is important to maintain a consistent moisture level in the soil while monitoring the watering schedule to ensure it does not dry out for too long. Temperatures that are between 60 and 90°F are the ideal range for Ficus plants.


Hoya Plants – easy care houseplants for your home or office. Hoya Plant is the fastest growing houseplant under proper conditions it will quickly grow new vines to cover its container or nearby surfaces in a matter of days. It is native to tropical Asia and Australia but can be grown indoors in most places. Sunlight requirements vary depending upon the species, but most Hoyas do best when placed where they can receive direct morning sun and some afternoon shade during the summer when they are in active growth mode. Temperatures that are between 55 and 85°F are ideal for most Hoyas. They should be watered regularly when they are actively growing but they should not be overwatered, as this can cause root rot and the death of the plant. Like most houseplants, Hoyas do not require much fertilizer, but they do benefit from an occasional application of slow-release fertilizer during the spring and summer months.

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