How to Plant Coleus Plant in indoor and Outdoor

How to Grow Coleus Plant in indoor?

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If you’re looking for a low-maintenance indoor plant that will add colour to your home, consider Coleus. These houseplants are easy to care for, and they grow quickly in most climates. Coleus offers an abundance of rich foliage and vibrant colours making them ideal for use in both interior and exterior designs. The leaf shape of Coleus ranges from oblong to round with smooth edges. The new plant foliage is typically variegated with multiple colours throughout. These bright leaves can grow to be one foot in length or more depending on the type of Coleus you choose to grow indoors.

The botanical name for Coleus is Tradescantia chiensis but they have often been referred to simply as ‘Coleus‘. These houseplants are native to tropical regions of Central America and South America, and they typically grow in a jungle environment. They are most often found in the wild among trees and vines. They can be difficult to grow outside of their natural climate because they prefer high humidity and warm temperatures. They are also sensitive to long periods of dryness, which can result in a brown leaf tip. Some different types of Coleus to grow indoors include red, green and white varieties which feature the shade of the respective colour on their leaves. There are also black and green varieties but these only grow in areas with very warm temperatures. These houseplants are typically available in pots at your local nursery or garden centre. Some may also be available at department stores and speciality stores that sell gardening supplies. A pot of these colourful plants is sure to bring some vibrance to your living space!

Why Buy a Coleus Houseplant?

There are so many reasons to make a Coleus your houseplant!

First, they’re easy to care for and are low maintenance. Second, they come in a wide variety of colours, so you can choose the perfect new plant to complement your home’s decor. And third, they’re an affordable way to add colour and interest to your outdoor space! You can even try growing your coleus in containers on a deck or patio.


There is a bit of guesswork involved when it comes to grow Coleus as a houseplant, but with a little bit of research and patience, you can have happy plants that will make your indoors look great for years to come!

Care tips to grow Coleus indoors

Step 1: Select a container for your plant. Use a high-quality planter with excellent drainage and a large enough opening to allow room for the roots to grow and thrive. Look for containers with a saucer or drain hole to prevent water from accumulating in the container and causing root rot.


Step 2: Choose a location for your plant that will provide plenty of indirect sunlight. Coleus prefers bright but indirect light, so place it near a window or along a south-facing wall to provide maximum exposure. Artificial light can also be used for this purpose. Avoid placing your plant in direct sunlight as it will cause the leaves to turn brown


Step 3: Choose a well-drained potting soil that will support the growth of your plants and keep them healthy. Make sure to keep the soil moist before planting your new Coleus. Then fill the container with potting soil followed by lightly tapping it down to eliminate any air pockets in the potting soil. Plant your Coleus directly into the pot so that the top of the potting soil line reaches the rim of the container. Make sure to water the plant immediately after planting to ensure that the soil is adequately moist. Avoid overwatering as too much moisture can cause root rot and damage the plants’ overall health.


Step 4: Provide regular watering for your Coleus. Make sure that the soil is kept evenly moist throughout the growing season to prevent the plants from drying out. Winter months can be a real pain & our goal should be to make Coleus survive them. Consider using an automatic watering system during these winter months to ensure that your plants receive enough water without becoming too wet or drying out. If possible, you should water your Coleus in the morning so that the excess water can drain away before nightfall. However, if you notice that your plant is looking dry between waterings, feel free to give it some extra life by soaking it in water for a few hours.


Step 5: Feed your Coleus regularly to ensure optimal health. Use a weak liquid fertilizer or a diluted general-purpose houseplant fertilizer once every 2-3 weeks to provide the plants with essential nutrients and help them grow strong and healthy. Water the soil before and after fertilizing it to minimize the risk of leaf burn and other nutrient deficiencies.


Step 6: Maintain a high level of humidity around your Coleus to prevent it from drying out and prevent its leaves from turning brown. Mist the leaves of the plant with water several times a day to increase the relative humidity around the plant and encourage the growth of new roots. This will help keep your Coleus to be healthy and thrive throughout the seasons.


Step 7: Prune the dead or dying leaves and stems as needed to keep your Coleus looking its best all season long. Remove damaged leaves and branches as soon as you notice them to prevent decay and promote new growth. To encourage new growth, make sure to prune the branches of your Coleus once every few weeks.


Step 8: Re-pot your Coleus when the roots start to outgrow their current container. Lift the plant out of the container and gently remove the dirt from the roots with your hands. Then re-pot your Coleus in a larger pot filled with fresh potting soil to prevent the root from becoming pot-bound and allow the plant to grow to its full potential.


Step 9: Take steps to protect your Coleus from pests and diseases to help ensure that it thrives throughout the seasons. Identify and treat any infestations early to prevent the pests from spreading and causing damage to your plant. Be sure to remove any fallen leaves or debris around the base of your Coleus regularly to prevent unwanted pests from climbing into the plant’s soil and causing damage. Be sure to wipe down the exterior of the plant once a week to remove dust and debris to reduce the risk of disease. Apply an organic fungicide to your Coleus every few weeks to keep the plant healthy and prevent the spread of disease.

Make sure to follow these instructions carefully to avoid damaging your Coleus.


Although coleus plants are grown in most parts of the world they vary in size and shape depending on their environment. In the tropical regions, the plants are usually larger and produce multiple stems whereas plants grown in other parts of the world tend to have a single stem that grows longer toward the top of the plant than the bottom. The plant is also usually shorter in these areas. Most varieties of coleus grow well in shade and can tolerate both warm and cool temperatures. So, no matter how hot or how cold the weather is in your area you should have no trouble growing this plant!


Coleus is a poisonous plant for animals including dogs. All parts of the plant are toxic to them and it can produce powerful effects that can result in serious illness and even death. Treatment is available for certain symptoms of poisoning, but the treatment will not always cure to the problem.


Coleus plants can survive indoors in most climates if they are kept moist and in a brightly lit area. The life expectancy of a coleus plant depends on how it is cared for and the environment in which it grows. Caring for a coleus plant properly can help the plant live longer and produce more blossoms. Healthy Coleus plants are generally long-lived, with the lifespan of most plants being between five and seven years. If the plant is kept in poor conditions or is not watered regularly, the lifespan may be much shorter. Do not over-water your Coleus to prevent it from growing mould on its leaves. Too much water can cause rot and kill the roots of the plant. Be sure to water your Coleus only as often as the soil feels dry to the touch. You should water your Coleus less often during the colder months when it does not need as much water to survive. Make sure to allow the excess water to drain away from the root zone before watering the plant again.


A coleus plant can grow to a height of up to two feet and has a thick stem with small leaves along the top. The leaves of a mature Coleus plant are often green with white edges and will grow into a rosette shape as they mature. The plant produces small flowers in the spring and then reblooms in the fall. It does not need a lot of sunlight and can flourish in a variety of lighting conditions. Keeping the plant moist is the best way to help thrive.

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