how to grow beans in a bag

How to Grow Beans in a Grow Bag?

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How to Grow Beans in a bag fast and easy ways? - a step by step guide for you

Do you want to grow beans in your home garden? Beans are easy to grow, less maintenance, have less flower dropping and opt for the beginner gardeners to confidently start their gardening. All types of beans that belong from the Fabaceae botanical family are commonly  called beans   But French beans are the most common variety and a versatile vegetable consumed in all forms. Both the seeds and the immature green pods are consumed stir fries, baked and boiled foods.

How to Grow organic French beans in a bag at home in grow bags?

Varieties of French Beans

Bush or Dwarf Type
Bush type beans plant grows up to 2-3 feet height only. It needs more space to grow.

Climber Type or Pole Type
It needs vertical support to grow . As it is a climber type plant , it  occupies less space in the ground and grows towards up side.

Selection bean varieties to grow bean in a bag in your garden

It depends on your own convenience and requirements. If you can provide more space, the bush type suits you. If you have provision to make vertical support for your plants, you can go for a climber type. The bush type matures at the same time and you can harvest in bulk at a time, whereas the climber keeps producing once you harvest. The harvest of the climber plants is much easier than the bush type as the bush plants are very close to each other. So, the selection of the type of beans  is up to your choice and convenience.

Growing season to plant beans

Do not start your bean cultivation in the hot summer. August to November will be the right time for beans cultivation. You can start in these months.

Which size of grow bags to be used that suit for growing beans?

Grow Bags for Bush Beans Plant
The grow bag of size 15 X 12 inches  will suit the bush type plants. There should be a 3 to 4 inches gap between the plants. You can plant 2 or 3 plants in a bag.

Grow Bags for Pole Beans Plant
You can use a grow bag of size 18 X 12 inches or Pole type and you can plant 2 plants in a bag.

How to prepare the suitable Potting Mix to grow beans?

If you can get garden soil, use a mixture of 50% of garden soil , 40 % of cow dung ,5% of neem oil cake powder and 5% of bone meal powder. There is another potting mix , you can use, if you do not have garden soil. A mixture of 40% of Coco peat,40% of vermi -compost and 20% of red soil can also be used as a potting mix for beans plants. According to the availability, you can use any one of the above potting mix.

Seed germination before planting

How to germinate seeds in nursery/seedling trays?

  • Take required seeds.
  • Fill the nursery trays with potting mix.
  • Sow one seed per cavity of the nursery tray.
  • Spray water and keep this tray in semi shady area.
  • It will take 5-6 days to get baby plants to transplant into the grow bag.

Start growing beans in grow bag by simple steps

  • Select the right grow bags as per your selection type of beans either bush or Pole type beans.
  • Fill the potting mix in the grow bag.
  • Transplant the baby plants from the nursery trays carefully to the grow bag.
  • Spray some water.

When to give nutrients to your beans plants?

Spray some panchakavya solution(an organic fertilizer made from cow dung and urine) or fish amino acid solution once a week to give extra nutrients to the plant. You can give vermicompost once in a while.

How to do Pest Control over the beans plants?

In general, beans plants do not need any specific pest control . However, You can spray neem oil solution once a week, along with the other plants you grow.


No. Not necessary. But it can provide better nutrients and ensure healthy germination of the seeds. If you don’t have nursery trays, you can use the disposable paper cup for seed germination as an alternative for nursery trays.

As beans plants grow faster, they will start to blossom in 25 days after planting them in a grow bag.

Beans plants will give yields within 50 – 60 days. You can start harvesting your organic beans in 50 days.

There will be less flower dropping in bean plants when compared to other plants, but we can stop flower dropping by spraying the butter milk diluted in water.

Beans are the easiest and fastest growing plants. If you are a beginner in gardening, you can start with growing beans plants in your home garden first. You will get more confidence in gardening, when you harvest the beans within 50days! Start your home garden with beans plants! Happy gardening !

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