How to grow tulsi plant at home

How to Grow Tulasi Plant at Home?

Table of Contents

Benefits and productive methods to grow and tulsi plant care at home

What is tulsi and learn how to grow tulsi ?

Tulsi or Tulasi is logically known as Ocimum tenuiflorum having a place with the natural family Lamiaceae (Mint family). Otherwise called ‘Blessed basil’, this old sweet-smelling restorative plant has many other normal names in neighborhood Indian dialects. Tulsi is an enduring erect bush; its leaves and each and every other plant part are stacked with fragrant natural balms. Tulsi is so critical in Hinduism that each Hindu family has a Tulsi plant and worship tulsi plant at home. The plant is ideally filled in the front yard in run-of-the-mill ‘Tulsi Vrindavana’ where it is adored consistently. There are two fundamental kinds of Tulsi, the green leaves of tulsi are known as ‘Sri-Tulsi’ and the dim purple leaves are called ‘Krishna Tulsi’.

Tulsi is also known as Basil. Tulsi Chaura, Tulasi Vrindavan, Tulasi Brundavanam, or Tulasi Thara is a little platform like stone or concrete development before conventional Hindu houses, lodging the sacred Tulsi plant.

Materials Needed

  • You can purchase Tulsi or holy basil seeds or they are additionally simple to reap from blooming spikes of old Tulsi plants.
  • Pot size: Seeds can be straightforwardly planted in a normal 8-inch round pot.
  • Soil and Manure: Tulsi requires circulated air through, permeable, all-around depleted soil with added natural excrement. Tacky, earth-like soil isn’t great for plant roots. 
  • Water

Methods to grow Tulsi seeds

  • A window box should be loaded up with soil and filled with water and ensures that you are watering it in an exhaustive way. Likewise, guarantee that you are leaving a space of an inch at the pot’s top layer. Likewise, add sufficient water to saturate the soil, however, ensure that you are not adding such a lot of measure water as you don’t maintain that your soil should be soaked.
  • However you are wanting to keep the Tulsi plant in an open-air area, it is in every case better to begin the development of Tulsi in indoor areas before you move it to an outside area. You can get Tulsi seeds from any of your neighbors on the off chance that conceivable or you can likewise get them in garden stores.
  • The seeds should be planted at a profundity of ¼ inch underneath nutrients in the soil. As the seeds of Tulsi will be little, you can sprinkle the seeds on the top layer of the soil in a less complex way, then, at that point, press them down in a delicate way into the soil surface by utilizing your fingers or you might somewhat alter them.
  • The soil should be kept clammy until the germination of seeds happens. The seeds will begin to fill in around 7 to 15 days. As the seeds of Tulsi will be fragile and delicate, you can attempt to utilize a shower jug to fog the soil surface in a light way. On the off chance that you empty water into the pot, ensure that you are doing it gradually and in a cautious way so you won’t upset any of the seeds.
  • You can likewise really like to cover the top layer of the pot by utilizing plastic wrap as doing so will help in fixing the dampness inside, yet ensure that you are observing the soil consistently and continue to add more measure of water at whatever point required.
  • The Tulsi in pots at home should be put near a window that is warm and radiant. Your Tulsi or basil plant will require very nearly 6 to 8 hours of sunlight a day and the temperature ought to be at least 21°C, the pot should be set up where getting an enormous amount of sunlight would be capable.
  • Additionally, be extremely cautious that you are not leaving the plant near any window or entryway which is open assuming the temperature is diminishing during the evening.

Benefits of Tulsi plant(Herb) at home

Tulsi for skin

  • Tulsi helps in skin illumination.
  • Tulsi assists in restoring skin breaks out with confronting marks.
  • Tulsi blended in with eggs and blended can assist in fixing with cleaning pores.
  • Tulsi assists in restoring with cleaning contaminations and any kind of skin sensitivities.

Tulsi for hair

  • Tulsi can help with thwarting hair fall
  • Tulsi can decrease the turning gray of the hair and keep it thick and dark.
  • Tulsi can decrease dandruff.
  • Tulsi can help with thwarting dry scalp.

Tulsi for Weight misfortune

  • Tulsi tea controls your digestion and assists your body with engrossing fundamental supplements.
  • Tulsi tea helps support your stomach-related framework which is significant for shedding pounds rapidly.
  • Tulsi tea has zero calories that support your endurance.

Tulsi for Weight Eyes

  • Tulsi relieves the eyes.
  • Tulsi leaves left in bubbled water, for the time being, can be utilized to wash your eyes.
  • Tulsi eyewash can likewise diminish the burden on your eyes.

Medicinal utilization of plant

  • Tulsi can assist with relieving fever.
  • Tulsi leaves are utilized to deal with skin issues like skin break out, zits, and untimely maturing.
  • Tulsi is utilized to treat bug nibbles.
  • Tulsi is likewise used to treat coronary illness and fever.
  • Tulsi is additionally used to treat respiratory issues.
  • Tulsi is utilized to fix fever, normal colds, sore throats, cerebral pains, and kidney stones.
  • Tulsi helps in treating Asthma.

Prevent Negative Energy:

Apart from its restorative attributes, bushy plant of Tulsi plants help decrease of pressure. By establishing a Tulsi plant indoors, negative energy is obliterated, and positive energy increments. It is a decent treatment for keeping setbacks from going into the house as well concerning restoring medical conditions.


Tulsi plant is considered to carry the best of luck to the home and keep away from cash-related issues also. Having a tulsi plant is helpful to the family’s monetary circumstances.

Well-known Types of Tulsi or Basil indoors

There are in excess of 100 varieties of tulsi, however the most known and ordinarily developed are four:

Ram Tulsi
Rama Tulsi or Bright tulsi is a more extensive leaf assortment and can be tracked down in pieces of China, Nepal, India, and Southern South America. It is utilized to advance solid processing and tastes really milder than other heavenly basils however a more grounded fragrance when the leaves are squashed.

Krishna or Shyama Tulsi
Krishna Tulsi or purple leaf tulsi is more uncommon than the greener assortment. It is particularly helpful for relieving respiratory afflictions, ear contaminations, and skin issues. It becomes slower than different assortments, which might add to its hot, impactful flavor and smell. Purple leaf basil is likewise less unpleasant and astringent than different cultivars.

Vana Tulsi
Vana Tulsi or Wild woods blessed basil is the most troublesome assortment to find. It develops around the lower regions of the Himalayas, one of the most delicious and most helpful sorts in every one of the holy basils. It has light green upper leaves and dull green lower leaves.

Kapoor Tulsi
Tulsi Kapoor is an erect, much-stretched bush 30-60 cm tall, with little, emphatically scented, toothed green leaves. It bears close whorls of purple/pinkish blossoms in prolong racemes. In calm locales Tulsi can become a yearly – it favors full sun and will truly do well in pots or window boxes.

Vastu Tips

Often known as the sovereign of spices, the tulsi plant has a few health advantages and is usually found in Indian homes since it is viewed as sacred plant by Hindus. This plant, frequently known as basil, is utilized to treat a wide variety of occasional sicknesses, including the normal cold, influenza, and hack. As indicated by Vastu, keeping a tulsi plant at home gives concordance and joy to the family and evades related monetary issues.

Tulsi plant strict importance

In the Hindu religion, the holy Tulsi plant has extraordinary importance and is utilized in different pooja customs.

  • Tulsi leaves are utilized in making panchamrita, a blessed beverage produced using milk, ghee, curd, honey, and sugar.
  • The auspicious plant is accepted to have self-sanitizing nature and can scrub itself. In this way, it very well may be washed and reused for pooja.
  • leaves of your tusi plant is proposed to the divinities for love. They are likewise utilized in making wreaths or mala for loving the divinities as a piece of the Alankaran service in poojas.
  • According to the Hindu culture, the Tulsi leaf is related to Lord Vishnu and is proposed to satisfy the divinity. All penances to the god are fragmented without it. Vaishnavas for the most part by and large wear Tulsi mala while reciting Vishnu mantras. This creates positive vibrations.
  • The woody stem of the Tulsi plant is broadly used in making dots for rosaries or Japa mala.


Tulsi is a tropical plant yet it actually detests direct daylight. Thus, don’t keep your basil plant where the sun is whipping. Roundabout daylight is best for basil plants. Tulsi plants like bunches of dampness in the soil.

Tulsi’s future is around 1.5 years. Summer is the best chance to develop this enduring plant since it loves daylight and necessities 6-8 hours of it for legitimate development. Terrible circumstances in winter not appropriate for the plant’s well-being are the significant reasons for its passing.

Tulsi develops best on the east side of the house. the best region to keep tulsi plant in the Northeast corner of the home getting great energy.

The most propitious day to establish Tulsi at home is Thursday. The Kartik maas (Hindu schedule month) that commonly falls in pieces of October and November consistently is viewed as exceptionally propitious for establishing Tulsi.

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